3 Reasons You Should See a Family Dentist to Treat Tooth Decay

Family Dentist Portland, OR

A family dentist is the person to talk to if you or a family member has one or more decayed teeth. These oral professionals have the necessary training and experience to provide dental services to all your family members.

Acids made by oral bacteria cause tooth decay by eating away at teeth structures. Bacteria convert the sugars in food particles stuck on teeth into teeth-destroying acids. It is a never-ending process that requires good oral hygiene to keep it under control.

Reasons to visit a family dentist for tooth decay treatment

Here are a few reasons that patients should stop by our Portland clinic for treatment if they notice symptoms of tooth decay, like cavities.

1. Saves your tooth

Tooth decay never goes away on its own when left untreated. Over time, acids in the mouth will continuously expand a tooth until it falls out of the mouth or its pulp chamber (the area that stores its nerve and blood vessels) is compromised. An exposed pulp chamber increases the risk of a tooth becoming infected.

Fluoride treatments can be used to reverse the demineralization stage of tooth decay, and fillings can be used to close up cavities. Severely decayed teeth can be treated with root canals to save the tooth.

2. Brings pain to an end

Tooth decay is one of the main reasons that people experience toothaches. Even a tiny cavity can cause significant pain when acids or sugars in the mouth get in it. As the decay worsens, so does the pain caused by it.

A severely decayed tooth will eventually become infected when left untreated, and that causes even more pain. The pain caused by an infected tooth is typically enough to stop a person from getting any sleep at night, and it makes it impossible to concentrate on anything. A tooth infection counts as a dental emergency, and it requires immediate treatment.

3. Improves your smile

Tooth decay can eventually affect the way that the teeth look when left untreated. It can lead to teeth becoming dark grey or brown as the decay eats away at them. The appearance of a rotted tooth can affect a person's smile, regardless of how healthy the rest of the person’s teeth are. Dentists can address any discoloration when performing tooth decay treatment by covering the affected tooth with composite resin or a crown.

Treatment options

Popular ways that a dentist might go about treating decayed teeth include:

  • Composite bonding
  • Fillings
  • Fluoride treatments
  • Partial crowns
  • Crowns
  • Root canal therapy

Put tooth decay behind you

Tooth decay can lead to you losing some of your permanent teeth if you do not get treatment. There can even be life-threatening consequences if the decay leads to an infection that spreads to other parts of the body. Call or visit our Portland clinic to set up an appointment with our family dentist to learn more about your treatment options.

Request an appointment here: https://www.cosmeticdentistoffice.com or call Rachel Cole DDS PC at (503) 248-1114 for an appointment in our Portland office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Family Dentist in Portland, OR.

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